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 Chakra sound bath series : january-july

  • Each month from Jan-July, we will be deep diving into different chakras (root-crown) during each sound bath. At the beginning of the sound bath will be a short introduction to each chakra and how they work within our system. The sound bath will include a specific guided meditation based on the chakra, and will be followed by sound immersion. Each sound bath will provide the opportunity to deep dive into your chakra during the sound to learn about the information it holds, any blocks it may have, any emotions or memories associated with it, and how we can improve it and continue to connect with it, while using the sound to help clear and rebalance it.

    January : Root

    February : Sacral

    March : Solar Plexus

    April : Heart

    May : Throat

    June : Third Eye

    July : Crown

  • The intention behind having two sound baths of the same chakra each month is so you can build on each session. However, if you can only come to one that is totally okay! You do not have to join in both to come to one.

    If you can come to both:

    During the first sound bath each month you can learn more about your energy center, how it works, if there are any blocks, and how you can help it. Before the next sound bath arrives, you can work on this chakra and build on what you learned during the first sound bath. When you come back for the second sound bath, you can see what has changed, how it is feeling, and how your chakra has evolved! This will be an amazing opportunity to use sound to deep dive into yourself and work on your energy centers.

  • You can come to whichever sound baths you want! If you can’t make it to each month, that’s completely okay. However, if your reason for not joining is based on nervousness around a specific chakra, or thinking it doesn’t need any work, I would encourage you not to turn away! Each chakra holds a wealth of information, and connecting to all chakras regardless of functionality is important! Balancing and supporting our chakras is a constant act of reconnecting and checking in, and there is so much to learn and explore in each center.

  • During this sound bath you will still experience all the normal benefits of sound. You will feel relaxed, rested, and reset! The difference of this series is the intention and meditation behind each session. By working with individual chakras, we focus our energy and attention to different aspects of ourselves that we can learn about and heal. Each sound bath will build on the previous one allowing you to use it as a long-term program to learning about and balancing your chakras, or just joining in when you can!